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Photo by Todd Quackenbush via Unsplash

Notes from the Laboratory: July 2022

I am trying this new “thing” of “reporting” what I was up to in a certain time period this year, and monthly reviews just sound like something normal people would do. So bear with me while I am typing up this report.

  • Cleanup: I (semi)officially published some of my modules now and moved the documentation onto this website. Mostly because for some of the modules it became a very long file. I think it’s better to have a quick start guide on the and here then a (maybe even deeply structured) documentation for these modules. Right now it’s mostly cut-and-paste docs, working on it. The officially published modules are:

    I am also playing around with the thought of bundling some of these modules into collections to decrease the impact of loading them each time the server starts. It’s probably just a nice build script that is missing.

  • Away with the boxes and playing around with the theme.

  • Language Learning: I am still following my GoLang online course. I am pretty sure whoever invented this language is located somewhere on a certain spectrum.

  • All the other stuff: As always there was a lot of things that I just ignored or let slide. That’s life. I guess.

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