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Sandworm security audit

Sandworm Audit is a free and open source command-line tool designed to scan your project and dependencies for security vulnerabilities, license compliance issues, and other metadata problems.

It works with any modern JavaScript package manager and supports custom license policies. With Sandworm Audit, you can generate easy-to-read reports that include JSON issue and license usage reports, CSV files of all dependencies and license information, and SVG dependency tree and treemap visualizations.

It is powered by D3 and puts security vulnerabilities and package license information into nice looking charts. Additionally, it supports configurable conditions to fail CI/GIT hook workflows, making it a powerful tool for maintaining the security and license compliance of your application on commits or pushes.

To get started, install Sandworm Audit globally via your favorite package manager and run it in the root directory of your application.

1npm install -g @sandworm/audit

After that you can run it in any directory with a package.json file.


The output will be something like this (if you are lucky and no issues are identified):

 1Sandworm 🪱
 2Security and License Compliance Audit
 3✔ Built dependency graph
 4✔ Got vulnerabilities
 5✔ Scanned licenses
 6✔ Scanned issues
 7✔ Tree chart done
 8✔ Treemap chart done
 9✔ CSV done
10✔ Report written to disk
12✅ Zero issues identified
14✨ Done

After this step you will find a sandworm directory in your project root. This directory contains not only CSV and JSON-reports, but also a nice looking dependency tree and treemap chart in the SVG format.

Read the documentation for more information on how to use and configure Sandworm Audit.

Note: Currently, the audit might fail with an “out of memory” error on large projects, depending on your hardware setup. There is an issue report open about this.

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