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Better code highlighting for Hugo with render hooks

One of GoHugo’s problems is, that the focus is mostly on speed. Simple HTML rules are prone to be ignored or freely interpreted (for instance, in the internal templates). But it offers ways to override and configure things, so not all is lost.

Let’s talk about the highlighting shortcode (or the default markup rendering for highlighting code). If you choose to display your highlighting section with line numbers that can be deep-linked, then you are in hot water, if you use two of these sections on a single page. The deeplinks are done via a counter system that is identical if both sections start with the line 1 (which they typically do) resulting in multiple id attributes of #code-1, #code-2, and so on for each first, second, and so on line.

The highlight template can be overridden easily by just adding your own shortcode template. Fixing this for the far more used highlighting markup of MarkDown (three backticks) since v0.93.0 GoHugo also offers render hooks for code blocks.

Using this render hook we can add the following layout to layouts/​_default/​_markup/​render-codeblock.html or any (language or section) specific render hook:

1{{- $options := .Options -}}
2{{- $data := newScratch -}}
3{{- $data.Set "options" dict -}}
4{{- range $key, $value := $options -}}
5  {{- $data.SetInMap "options" (lower $key) $value -}}
6{{- end -}}
7{{- $replacement := (printf "%s%s" "code" (substr (md5 .Inner) 0 7)) -}}
8{{- $data.SetInMap "options" "lineanchors" $replacement -}}
9{{- highlight .Inner .Type ($data.Get "options") -}}

The same should go into your highlight shortcode at layouts/​shortcodes/​highlight.html.

What this layout does is, that it exchanges the lineanchors option of the code highlighting plugin of GoldMark with an individual string for each separate highlighting code.

This solves the issue of the double-id output for multiple highlighting sections per post or page.

Sidenote: Lines 1 to 8 of the code sample above by the way show, how you can replace or update a dict value inside of your layout file. This is one of the not anymore many reasons to use a .Scratch in GoHugo. It’s a bit convoluted, but that is how Go templates works ;)

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